It’s National Grab Some Nuts Day! Make sure you grab a handful of this healthy snack today!
Fun Facts: Walnuts are not a nut. Almonds are a nut. Peanuts are actually legumes.
It’s National Grab Some Nuts Day! Make sure you grab a handful of this healthy snack today!
Fun Facts: Walnuts are not a nut. Almonds are a nut. Peanuts are actually legumes.
This is the time of year for entertaining outdoors and enjoying the summertime weather. Entertaining outside is a nice way to spend quality time with family and friends. July has been designated National Grilling Month. Outdoor grilling has become an American pastime and there’s no better time than the present to have a cookout in the backyard with your loved ones.
The food choices for outdoor grilling are endless. There are countless vegetables you can grill alongside your steak, pork chops, ribs or burgers. Some of the most popular veggies cooked on the grill can get caught in between your teeth such as corn-on-the-cob. Sometimes it’s the corn and other times it’s the strands from the husk that gets stuck. Meats are another culprit. A thin fibrous strand of meat will sometimes find a home in the areas between your teeth.
No matter how careful you are, sometimes you can’t help but get some pieces stuck in your mouth. There’s really no way to avoid the problem all together, but what you can do is make sure you remove all the leftover food particles. We all want to be able to enjoy the whole experience of outdoor cooking and savoring these delicious meals straight off the grill.
Having food stuck in your teeth is a big nuisance. Flossing is the most effective way to get the debris from between your teeth. Toothpicks can be helpful, but not as effective as flossing. They also tend to break down and you can damage your gums if you are not very careful. As always, brush as soon as you can to make sure all of the surfaces of your teeth are free and clear of any leftover residue.
Stay on top of your dental exams and cleanings. Give us a call for your next appointment at (813) 475 – 4528. We look forward to seeing you at your next visit.
Bon Appétit!
June 29th is a day to celebrate the invention of the camera! Show off that beautiful smile. Say Cheeeeese!
Your best buddy can bark out a few orders today at the office. It’s National Take Your Dog to Work Day! Enjoy!
It’s the perfect day to pick up those donuts for the office. It couldn’t happen on a better day with it also being National Repeat Day… you can have more than one!