

Oral Health Concerns with Epilepsy

November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month. There are over 3 million Americans suffering with various forms of epilepsy and over 125,000 are newly diagnosed each year. Along with the overall health complications due to this illness, there are also oral health concerns with epilepsy. There are common oral side effects from anti-seizure medication and teeth can become cracked and broken during a fall. Clenching during seizure activity is very common and can cause jaw pain and cracked / broken teeth. It is important for those suffering with epilepsy to be informed of the dental health risks and steps you can take to minimize risks during treatment.

It is imperative for epileptic patients to let your dentist know about your seizures. Your dentist should be informed of any seizure medications and updated with any new health information each dental visit. Also, you should give your dentist the contact information of your health care providers and be clear that your dental team knows how to handle a seizure during dental procedures. Patients prone to seizures should always inform the dental team immediately if you begin experiencing an aura.

Some of the oral side effects of seizure medications include:

      • Bleeding Gums
      • Increased Risk of Infection
      • Delayed Healing Time
      • Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)
      • Overgrown Gum Tissue

Epileptic patients can be safely treated in a general dental office with a team of professionals that are informed, aware and accommodating. Stability of the seizure disorder should be considered when planning dental visits. When visiting the dentist, be sure to take your medications a few hours prior to your appointment time. Schedule your next dental visit with Trinity Premier Dental with confidence knowing our team of professionals provides top quality care to each of our patients. Give us a call at (727) 835-7076.

More information on oral health concerns with epilepsy: Epilepsy Health Center

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